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Durkee Fabric Air Duct for TESLA GIGA Factory

Introduction of Tesla Motors

Located in silicon valley California USA, Tesla Motors Inc. was established in 2003, specializing in design, manufacture, sales of electric cars, electric vehicle power train components, and battery products. The new Tesla Giga Factory is located at Spark Nevada USA, it is projected for large-scale battery production.

Project Introduction

Given the rich experience of Durkee application in automobile and other industrial buildings, the contractor entrusted Durkee to provide a comprehensive technical solution. Moreover, Durkee stood out against other suppliers after Durkee demonstrated the superior third generation while other candidates are still struggling at the second generation. In addition to that, Durkee proposed several improvement plans to address the Owner's concerns. For example, the introduction of IRR(Internal retention ring) system to Tesla not only improved the visual appearance but also avoided the deflation at variable occupancy of the VAV system. It seems mission impossible to install fabric air duct system in some area with massive existing pipeline and equipment under the roof, Durkee customized beveled endcap plus circulation fan approach successfully throw air into the targeted area with precise terminal air velocity. Two weeks leading time is a must to meet the tight schedule of this project. All the above superiorities help Durkee win the trust and approval of Tesla.

Tesla is another landmark project that every member of Durkee could take pride in. Hats off to North American Team.